Discover Tuscany - Enjoying art and culture for free once a month

How about enjoying a bit of art, history and culture on a Sunday? How about enjoying it with free admission?
Then mark the first Sunday of the month on your calendar and make note of the following State museums (and archaeological areas) across Tuscany where you can take advantage of free entrance to all as part of the #DomenicalMuseo initiative sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. In Florence, the city run museums extend free entrance only to local residents on the same day.
UPDATE MARCH 1, 2019: The first Free Sundays of the Month have been changed and will be offered only between October and March. Each State Museum will decide which other dates in the year it will offer with free entry - they have to total a number of 20 days - and will publish their own calendar.
For now, these are the State museums in Florence that have published their calendars, while the general Tuscan-wide Polo Museale della Toscana has not yet published more details on their calendar for 2019.Dates for #DomenicalMuseo 2019
January 6
February 3
March 3
October 6
November 3
December 1Museum Week 2019: free entrance from March 5-10!
Another novelty for 2019 is the creation of an entire week at State museums that will offer free entry to everyone! This free week is from March 5-10 this year, it has already been announced that it will change period every year so don't assume it will be in March next year.Which State museums can I visit for free in Tuscany?
We've compiled a list of State museums in Tuscany - so you can have a full list - but also to know which ones adhere to the #DomenicalMuseo (and to other special openings announced during the year, such as free entry to women on March 8th, International Womens Day) to make it easy for you to find museums near you! You will find something near you to visit, wherever you might be.

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